
Course Information

System Administration I (INF 2014)

Term: 2024-2025 Summer Semester


There is not currently a faculty member for this course


Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri, 8:05 AM - 2:55 PM (5/13/2025 - 8/19/2025) Location: PRYVL RTCSE


This course provides a thorough examination of Server Operating Systems, emphasizing networking services such as user creation, file sharing, printer sharing, and remote access. Students gain hands-on experience in installing and configuring Microsoft Active Directory Services to support larger scale infrastructures. Moreover, students acquire foundational security skills essential for core security tasks and for advancing in an IT security career. Topics covered include evaluating the security status of enterprise environments, securing hybrid environments, and recognizing and addressing security incidents and events.
• Install Windows Server in an Enterprise Environment.
• Install Nano Server, complete post-installation tasks, aod Perform Remote Management.
• Install and Remove Server Roles with Server Manager and PowerShell.
• Implement DNS servers and zones, integrate DNS with AD OS. Implement DHCP and validate DHCP implementation.
• Implement VPN and validate its deployment.